[BLUE TEAMING] - Recognize, Prevent, and Investigate phishing attacks.

<aside> 💡 Can be targeted and non-targeted, and small and large organizations can be affected.


<aside> 💡 Signs of phishing to look for in emails

<aside> 💡 SPF (sender policy framework) - checks if the IP address is tied to the domain the email is coming from on the SPF records.


<aside> 💡 Basically, severely limit your interaction with email based on your perception of how trustworthy it is and never click a link or download an attachment without being 100% sure it is safe.


Questions âž–

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -

6 - Email header means, subject line here

7, 8 - Open email attachment, decode base 64 code and save the file