[CLOUD] Amazon S3 and IAM Services
💡 Shadow IT - use of information technology systems, devices, software, applications, and services without explicit IT department approval
💡 Public Cloud is an easy way for business units to engage in shadow IT.
💡 Amazon S3 -
- Used as a simple Hosted object storage service. Stored in Buckets.
- Buckets are key-value stores, with object being a full pathname of a file and the value being the contents of the file.
- Buckets use a global namespace.
- Sometimes data gets mixed up, and data that shouldn't be public gets made public
- Discovering bucket names :-
- S3 links will be in the form
- Listing the contents of Buckets :-
aws s3 ls s3://irs-form-990/ --no-sign-request
- -no-sign-request allows you to request data without being an AWS customer
- Downloading Objects :-
aws s3 cp s3://irs-form-990/201101319349101615_public.xml . --no-sign-request
- Object permissions are different from bucket permissions
- Bucket permissions allow you to list the objects in the bucket
- Object permissions allow you to download the object
💡 AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) :-
- All requests to AWS services must be signed, which require IAM access keys
- IAM access keys
- Consist of an access key id and a secret access key
- Access Key ID
- Begin with letters 'AKIA' and are 20 characters long
- Acts as a username for the AWS API
- Secret Access Key
- When you find credentials to AWS, you can add them to your AWS profile in the CLI withÂ
aws configure --profile PROFILENAME
- This adds entries to the .aws/config and .aws/credentials files
- Now you can execute a command using these credentials
aws s3 ls --profile PROFILENAME
- Never store a set of access keys in the [default] profile. Doing so forces you always to specify a profile and never accidentally run a command against an account you don't intend to.
- A few other common AWS reconnaissance techniques are:
- Finding the Account ID belonging to an access key:
aws sts get-access-key-info --access-key-id AKIAEXAMPLE
- Determining the Username the access key you're using belongs to
aws sts get-caller-identity --profile PROFILENAME
- Listing all the EC2 instances running in an account
aws ec2 describe-instances --output text --profile PROFILENAME
- Listing all the EC2 instances running in an account in a different region
aws ec2 describe-instances --output text --region us-east-1 --profile PROFILENAME
- AWS ARNs (Amazon Resource Names uniquely identify AWS resources)
- Generate a unique identifier for all resources in the AWS cloud
Questions âž–
1 - URL Inspection
2, 3 - Enumeration in s3 services
4 - unzip
and grep -r
command. file contains all passwords/keys
5 - configure and add details (generally, not in a profile yet)
6 - configure and add details in a profile
7 - list the ec2 instances
8 - secretsmanager list-secrets
, secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id <name>
, secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id <name> --region <name>
Last one’s a little lengthy but if done slowly and understood then could be done easily