Pronounce OSINT however you want, but the only correct way is how your boss pronounces it.
<aside> 💡 Information on a target (person, company, entity of some sort) online, that has been gleaned through open source channels. Publicly available information the Clearnet (FB, Google, Insta, Twitter) and Darknet (TOR, Freenet, I2P, IPFS, Zeronet).
<aside> 💡 OSINT Process Cycle :
Data-Information Model - Intelligence comes from information, which comes from data
Roller Coaster - Revolves around client
<aside> 💡 Google Dorking, indexing the results faster from google by narrowing down search results using key terms in search query. How to and How to 2.
<aside> 💡 Account are well known digital footprint. We can go about finding them using these as our objectives:
Identifying Real or Personas (Real name or their online persona)
Identifying Email
Locating Linked Accounts (Other publicly linked accounts)
History (Post History)
Information from Posts
<aside> 💡 OSINT on Blockchain, since blockchain is built on being open and anonymous its hard to find a digital footprint. Tools like BlockTrail, Bitcoin Who’s Who, Graphsense, BlockExplorer can aid in exploring the blockchain.
<aside> 💡 Each platform will have its unique functionality that can be used, familiarize yourself with these platforms. Ex. Someone forgot to delete API keys on their file, so they make a new commit to erase them. But they will still show in their commit history.
Questions âž–
1, 2 - Google Translate
4 - twitter
7, 8, 9 - github