Mini CTF to highlight some skills like NFS mounting and SSH keys
💡 MS Windows hosts block pings by default, so Pn
is added in nmap.
<aside> 💡 NFS, Network File System a protocol that allows transfer of files from different computers like windows to linux. Easy to share files between various OSes. (NFS/mountd is same)
💡 If NFS is present then a showmount
command will list the files that have been mounted remotely by users. Also shows if its accessible by users and types.
<aside> 💡 To mount the files from NFS to local machine,
mount <IP Address>:/<folder name want to mount> *<folder name in the local machine where want to store>*
<aside> 💡 To verify file authenticity and data integrity MD5sum is used.
Questions âž–
1 - nmap for enumeration
5 - mount the shares to local drive and access them
6 - check other shares
7 - md5sum the ssh key