[Networking] Interaction with SQL databases using RDBMS

<aside> πŸ’‘ In Day 7, NoSQL was learned and how SQL stores in Relational.


<aside> πŸ’‘ Relational stores data in tables linking through relations which could be sometimes faster.


<aside> πŸ’‘ Data is stored in categories, is consistent in input and meaning, and easy to navigate.


<aside> πŸ’‘ For querying data, SELECT command. To show everything *** command. FROM to read from some table. WHERE to specify some sort of condition and many other types of commands.


Questions βž–

1st, nmap to enumerate and since its a windows machine won't respond to ping probes by default.

2, 3, 4, 5th - no need to spell it out, really simple

6th - google how to list users in windows, after getting into the user’s directory poke around in different folders and look for flag